exhibitions and
I identified the spatial element that facilitate this liveliness and spontaneity in the neighbourhood currenty and used these as tools to emphasise in my design. Below you see some sketches of these spatial elements.
current identity
During the minor Urbanism and Landscape Architecture at the Academy of Architecture, I designed an urban plan for the neighbourhood Noordelijke IJ-oevers West in Amsterdam. The area is the habitat of smaller businesses, artists and housing. The activities of the businesses and artists happen both indoors and outdoors. The public space, the streets and bare pieces of land feel lively and give space for spontaneous activities.
spatial tools: street sections
spatial tools: see-throughs
In my design the urban area inhabits housing, work, a gallery, event space and cafés to create liveliness during the day and in the evening. More spaces are designed above and around the already excisting buildings that comprehend the sponteinity. The new buildings are designed according to the spatial tools that I defined.
The isometric drawings below show how the masterplan is build up:
nice to meet you!
about me